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River of the Ancient Ones

The Pittsburgh Future Archive
Information Recovery Project - 2132AD


In the year 2132 a dramatic extreme weather event flooded The Future Archives and we lost invaluable records about the way humans interacted with other natural resources in the area. Servers and online databases housed at The Archives as well as paper records were destroyed by flooding and the collapse of our building. 

The River of the Ancient Ones, or the Allegheny River as you called it in 2021, is still one of the major players in Pittsburgh, though we understand it now as a living entity, with moods, needs, and desires reflective of connections with humans and other life throughout time.   We have come back in time to re-discover the relationship it had to people in the year 2021, to understand the histories people remember, the impressions of it in present time, and people's visions of the future: important to what the future becomes.


Future Archive Agents were in the downtown Pittsburgh area between June 29, 2021 and July 15 2021 before returning to our homes in 2132.   

This Artist Residency is a project of Lindsey Scherloum's The Future Archive in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Creative Corps, an initiative of Riverlife and the Office of Public Art.

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